Cashless Tuck Shops: The Key To Successful School Break Times
Cashless Tuck Shop

Cashless Tuck Shops: The Key To Successful School Break Times

Making a school campus cashless has many amazing upsides to it which benefit all parties involved from the school staff, to the pupils, parents, and of course the vendors of the school tuck shops.

Being a cashless school is great but what are some of these benefits, and how can they make your school’s tuck shop more efficient for the students and the vendor?

Becoming a cashless school is a great step in transforming your tuck shop into a cashless tuck shop.

The traditional means of payment that most schools use is cash, and this has many drawbacks for the learners and the vendor. Many of these drawbacks can be solved with the help of a good cashless school system.

  1. Drawbacks of a cash-only school system to school vendors.
  2. Benefits of a cashless tuck shop system to school vendors.
Cashless Tuck Shops - The Key To Successful School Break-Times

Drawbacks of a cash-only school system to school vendors.

1. Money getting lost

With a cash-only school, money can easily get lost or misplaced with multiple students and staff handling it when buying goods from the tuck shop.

This can be a mistake on either the students’ side or the vendor’s side, leading to disputes between the two parties and fewer sales due to time lost arguing.

2. Theft

Another example is the internal theft of money. This can also lead to disputes between the vendor and their employees or between the vendor and the students. This will also lead to fewer sales due to the time that has been lost. The vendor, in this case, may feel as if they may not be able to trust their employees which may create a tense work environment.

3. Slow processing times of transactions

One of the major drawbacks a cash-only system has that a cashless management system could solve is the slow processing times of transactions. If a student were to purchase an item from a non-cashless tuck shop and the queue is quite long, this can be a real issue if they needed a lot of change from their purchase where time is concerned which is another topic a cashless management system can solve.

4. Have to constantly ensure the float is correct

Having a cash-only system means you as a vendor will have to give change away to the students and the “float” always seems to be in short supply when working in a cash-only business. A cashless management system solves this problem directly as there will not be any cash to make change for. If a student wants to buy something, that exact amount will be deducted from their balance.

5. Always need to search for change

Disorganization is another major drawback that a cash-only system creates for both vendors and students. When students have to purchase an item at a non-cashless tuck shop, they have to ensure they have enough cash and vendors have to ensure that they have sufficient change for everyone purchasing at that given time.

5. Cash is a carrier of germs

Vendors also need to ensure that their stall, team, and produce are as clean as possible. This can be quite a challenge when working with physical money as since it has been passed around so many times, it has picked up a lot of dirt and germs. This can cause a health risk to the products and students.

As you can see, there are many drawbacks when operating as a vendor in a cash-only school. However this does not have to be the case as going cashless and using the right cashless management tool can prevent many, if not all of these drawbacks.

Benefits of a cashless tuck shop system to school vendors.

1. Cashless is reliable and safer

In a cashless tuck shop, transactions between students and vendors are secure and reliable. This gives the students a safe way to transact with the vendor without the fear of losing any physical cash throughout the school day. This also gives the vendor a reliable means of making sales without the fear of misplacing physical cash or it being stolen.

2. Faster and more efficient sales

Another way a cashless tuck shop system helps vendors become more efficient is by the use of faster processing times of transactions between vendors and students. This gives students less time to wait in queues as they would move faster and vendors the chance to move inventory faster from their store to their customers.

3. A more organized cashflow

Organized management of funds is another way a cashless tuck shop system helps vendors have a more streamlined business as they won’t need to have to worry about giving the correct amount of change to each student or having enough change on them. Students will also not need to worry about having the correct physical cash on them during school.

4. A more hygienic cashless tuck shop

Vendors can also ensure that their produce and staff are as clean as possible with the help of a cashless tuck shop system as this gives them the ability to remove physical cash from their work environment. This creates a healthier, cleaner work environment and hands over of goods as there are fewer germs to worry about which are less likely to spread viruses such as Covid-19.

Ready to go cashless?

Eezipay’s cashless tuck shop system, Cashless Campus, helps solve all of these problems in a simple, fast, and easy manner. This allows vendors and students to have the best experience possible when going cashless. Check out the rest of our website for more information about our cashless campus management tool and to get started with Eezipay.

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Get the ultimate guide to streamlining payments at your school.

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