That is CASHLESS, PAPERLESS, and FULLY-INTEGRATABLE with their existing systems…


Watch the video below

Dear Education Manager, 

Would it surprise you to learn that we help Education Institutions easily manage thousands of cashless payments every single month…

While simultaneously enabling them to expand their commercial services in order to generate more income? 


Of course you are! 

So let me prove it to you.

We do it by using a Modern, Flexible, All-In-One system system that I’m about to share with you today on this very page…

The same system that Education Managers in South Africa are using to seamlessly manage thousands of payments, and expand their commercial activities, while also increasing the efficiency and safety on their campuses.

A system which enables:

Cashless payments between learners, parents, and merchants. 

Bookings for meals, trips, and events from a simple-to-use mobile app.

Self-service or staff-serviced residence laundry machines.

Campus access control via student and staff cards.

Fast push communication and notifications to all students or merchants via the mobile app. 

Comprehensive system management via a single central dashboard. 

And so much more…

 ….As such, they are streamlining commercial operations for all staff, students, parents, and merchants

….All while not having to tediously manage and maintain multiple outdated systems that cause frustration and inefficiencies

… And best of all, they have more time and scope to actually implement new and innovative solutions which solve big problems and drive their KPAs.

Just like Stellenbosch University which has used Eezipay’s Solutions since 2003 to implement their own Digital Commerce System.

Going cashless really is brilliant. It enables great control mechanisms, provides detailed reporting, and makes it easy for students and parents to manage payments.


Manager, Stellenbosch University

And despite streamlining Stellenbosch University’s Commercial Operations, and creating a slick experience for all stakeholders, that’s not the best part…

The best part is that Stellenbosch University does not have to work with various cumbersome and outdated systems, or struggle with panel-beating their existing systems in order to achieve this success. 

That’s right, instead of wasting time and resources with a long and expensive software development and integration process, Stellenbosch University has been able to get the university’s commercial services automated and streamlined in only a couple of weeks, thanks to Eezipay’s solutions. 

And Stellebosch University isn’t the only one either… 

We could easily fill this entire page with multiple success stories of other organisations that have streamlined and expanded their commercial services with Eezipay. The bottom line is … It Works!

Now we are about to do something out of the ordinary…


We call it the 30 Day Eezistart…and its completely FREE!!!

Our goal is to help you get ready to expand and streamline your commercial services with Cashless Campus in 30 days or less, absolutely free

So, how does the 30-day Eezistart work?


Online Demo Call (30 min)

First, we’ll jump on an online call with you to discuss your needs and give you a quick demo of Cashless Campus so you can see it in action.

Software Audit (7 days)

Second, we will do a complete audit of your existing systems to determine the best way for Cashless Campus to be integrated. 

Team Presentation (60 minutes)

Third, we will pitch the entire system to you and your team to ensure buy-in from all the key decision-makers.

Campus Pilot (14 days)

Fourth, we’ll give you and your merchants a free trial and even allow you to add your products and services. This way, you can test the system with real stakeholders, and gather feedback from them before making the final decision. 

Custom Proposal (3 days)

Finally, once we receive feedback from you, your team, and your stakeholders we will create a comprehensive proposal with all the details you need to make the final decision.


What does this mean for you?

It means that we provide EVERYTHING you need to go cashless, without any of the risk. 


No struggle trying to figure out how best to integrate the system. 

We do the audit and analysis for you.


No struggle trying to get buy-in from your team. 

We present the system to your team and provide you with all the information you need to get them on board.


No wondering if it’s going to work for your institution or stakeholders.

We run a comprehensive pilot on your campus so you can see it in action.


No struggle trying to figure out costs or specs.

We create a comprehensive and all-inclusive proposal with everything your team needs to make a decision.

 You pay us nothing and we help you make it a success!

Why are we making this crazy offer? 

At some point you’ve probably initiated a partnership with a service provider which promised the world but did not deliver

Or you’ve implemented a new system at your institution, only to struggle with it later because it lacked features, was too difficult to maintain, or users just didn’t use it properly. 

So, instead of telling you why our product is different, or wasting your time with a long, drawn-out discussion, we figured it’s easier to just show you what it can do for YOU and YOUR INSTITUTION!

How To Get Started???

So, let’s start with the FIRST STEP and show you what the system can do

Simply CLICK the button below to book a 30-minute online meeting with us.

In the meeting we will:


 Show you the system in action with a live demo.


 Answer any questions you may have.


 Learn more about your orgainsation and needs.


 Give you more details about the next steps. 

Once you and your team are happy we will be there to help you and your institution go fully cashless in no time.  

That’s right. We have a turnkey roll out plan designed to get your entire school setup, trained, and fully cashless in 30-90 days.

How do we guarantee results when others won’t?

We have designed a COMPLETE cashless campus solution and have successfully implemented it at multiple institutions

We DO NOT just sell you a system and then leave you to try and make it work on your own. 

We have taken the TIME and CARE to work with institutions to understand exactly what they need to make this work. 

We also care deeply for institutions, staff, and students and want to help make campuses SAFER and MORE ENJOYABLE for everyone. 

That’s why we have created a complete solution. 


    We have built the best cashless system in South Africa (and are constantly updating it to make it even better).


    We provide an online demo and free trial so that you can see it in action and test it before you move forward.


    We do a complete audit of your systems to determine the best way to integrate our digital commerce system at your institution.


    We do a thorough presentation and create a custom proposal so that you and your team have everything you need to make a decision. 


    We have a fully supported roll out programme designed to help institutions go cashless in 30-90 days.


    We provide constant support and are available to help institutions streamline and expand their commercial operations effectively.


    We really have thought of everything, and that’s why we can GUARANTEE SUCCESS.

    Just imagine, 90 days from now you and your staff could be downloading a payment report from our app with the click of a button and then going home to rest, rather than having to work through tons of financial spreadsheets

    Or, you could simply be sending all students and staff a push notification with notices of upcoming events, or reminders to gaurdians to load money onto students’ accounts to pay for their graduation meals, load credit for their laundry, or finance their printing credits, rather than having to send multiple emails or letters which they never read. 

    Are you ready to make life simple, fast and eezi for yourself and your institution?

    Talk soon,

    Leanne Dorrington

    Managing Director of Eezipay

    Dear Education Manager, 

    Would it surprise you to learn that we help Education Institutions easily manage thousands of cashless payments every single month…

    While simultaneously enabling them to expand their commercial services in order to generate more income? 


    Of course you are! 

    So let me prove it to you.

    We do it by using a Modern, Flexible, All-In-One system system that I’m about to share with you today on this very page…

    The same system that Education Managers in South Africa are using to seamlessly manage thousands of payments, and expand their commercial activities, while also increasing the efficiency and safety on their campuses.

    A system which enables:

    Cashless payments between learners, parents, and merchants. 

    Bookings for meals, trips, and events from a simple-to-use mobile app.

    Self-service or staff-serviced residence laundry machines.

    Campus access control via student and staff cards.

    Fast push communication and notifications to all parents via the mobile app. 

    Comprehensive system management via a single central dashboard. 

    And so much more…

     …As such, they are streamlining commercial operations for all staff, sudents, parents, and merchants.

    ….All while not having to tediously manage and maintain multiple outdated systems that cause frustration and inefficiencies

    … And best of all, they have more time and scope to actually implement new and innovative solutions which solve big problems and drive their KPAs.

    Just like Stellenbosch University,
    which has used Eezipay’s Solutions since 2003
    to implement their own Digital Commerce System.

    Going cashless really is brilliant. It enables great control mechanisms, provides detailed reporting, and makes it easy for students and parents to manage payments.


    And despite streamlining Stellenbosch University’s Commercial Operations, and creating a slick experience for all stakeholders, that’s not the best part…

    The best part is that Stellenbosch University does not have to work with various cumbersome and outdated systems, or struggle with panel-beating their existing systems in order to achieve this success. 

    That’s right, instead of wasting time and resources with a long and expensive software development and integration process, Stellenbosch University has been able to get the university’s commercial services automated and streamlined in only a couple of weeks, thanks to Eezipay’s solutions. 

    And Stellebosch University isn’t the only one either… 

    We could easily fill this entire page with multiple success stories of other organisations that have streamlined and expanded their commercial services with Eezipay. The bottom line is … It Works!

    Now we are about to do something out of the ordinary…


    We call it the 30 Day Eezistart…and its completely FREE!!!

    Our goal is to help you get ready to expand and streamline your commercial services with Cashless Campus in 30 days or less, absolutely free

    So, how does the 30-day Eezistart work?


    Online Demo Call

    30 min

    First, we’ll jump on an online call with you to discuss your needs and give you a quick demo of the Cashless Campus system so you can see it in action.

    Software Audit

    7 Days

    Second, we will do a complete audit of your existing systems to determine the best way for Cashless Campus to be integrated.  

    Team Presentation

    60 Minutes

    Third, we will pitch the entire system to you and your team to ensure buy-in from all the key decision-makers.

    Campus Pilot

    14 Days

    Fourth, we’ll give you and your merchants a free trial and even allow you to add your products and services. This way, you can test the system with real stakeholders, and gather feedback from them before making the final decision. 

    Custom Proposal

    3 Days

    Finally, once we receive feedback from you, your team, and your stakeholders we will create a comprehensive proposal with all the details you need to make the final decision.


    What does this mean for you?

    It means that we provide EVERYTHING you need to go cashless, without any of the risk. 

    No struggle trying to figure out how best to integrate the system. 

    We do the audit and analysis for you.

    No struggle trying to get buy-in from your team. 

    We present the system to your team and provide you with all the information you need to get them on board.

    No wondering if it’s going to work for your institution or stakeholders.

    We run a comprehensive pilot on your campus so you can see it in action.

    No struggle trying to figure out costs or specs.

    We create a comprehensive and all-inclusive proposal with everything your team needs to make a decision.

    You pay us nothing and we help you make it a success!

    Why are we making this crazy offer? 

    At some point you’ve probably initiated a partnership with a service provider which promised the world but did not deliver

    Or you’ve implemented a new system at your institution, only to struggle with it later because it lacked features, was too difficult to maintain, or users just didn’t use it properly. 

    So, instead of telling you why our product is different, or wasting your time with a long, drawn-out discussion, we figured it’s easier to just show you what it can do for YOU and YOUR INSTITUTION!

    How To Get Started???

    So, let’s start with the FIRST STEP and show you what the system can do

    Simply CLICK the button below to book a 30-minute online meeting with us.

    In the meeting we will:


     Show you the system in action with a live demo.


     Answer any questions you may have.


     Learn more about your orgainsation and needs.


     Give you more details about the next steps. 

    Once you and your team are happy we will be there to help you and your institution go fully cashless in no time.  

    That’s right. We have a turnkey roll out plan designed to get your entire school setup, trained, and fully cashless in 30-90 days. 

    How do we guarantee results when others won’t?

    We have designed a COMPLETE cashless campus solution and have successfully implemented it at multiple institutions

    We DO NOT just sell you a system and then leave you to try and make it work on your own. 

    We have taken the TIME and CARE to work with institutions to understand exactly what they need to make this work. 

    We also care deeply for institutions, staff, and students and want to help make campuses SAFER and MORE ENJOYABLE for everyone. 

    That’s why we have created a complete solution. 


      We have built the best cashless system in South Africa (and are constantly updating it to make it even better).


      We provide an online demo and free trial so that you can see it in action and test it before you move forward.


      We do a complete audit of your systems to determine the best way to integrate our digital commerce system at your institution.


      We do a thorough presentation and create a custom proposal so that you and your team have everything you need to make a decision. 


      We have a fully supported roll out programme designed to help institutions go cashless in 30-90 days.


      We provide constant support and are available to help institutions streamline and expand their commercial operations effectively.

      We really have thought of everything, and that’s why we can GUARANTEE SUCCESS.

      Just imagine, 90 days from now you and your staff could be downloading a payment report from our app with the click of a button and then going home to rest, rather than having to work through tons of financial spreadsheets

      Or, you could simply be sending all students and staff a push notification with notices of upcoming events, or reminders to gaurdians to load money onto students’ accounts to pay for their graduation meals, load credit for their laundry, or finance their printing credits, rather than having to send multiple emails or letters which they never read. 

      Are you ready to make life simple, fast and eezi for yourself and your school?

      Talk soon,

      Leanne Dorrington

      Managing Director of Eezipay


      Happy Customers

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      Once you sign up Ghyslaine will be in touch to help you with the next steps.